Epic Outdoor Partner WOD – 6 Exercises

Partner WOD

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This workout consists of three 12 minute AMRAPS. This video has 3 teams of 3 and they all cycle through the exercises. Adjust the weights for your own ability.


Unless you have all this equipment in your home, this partner WOD is best done at a gym.

Warm Up

There is no particular warm up included in this video, but feel free to do your own warm up and stretches beforehand.


The first set is done until 15 calories is reached. The pace setter is the person on a machine at the time. Once the calorie target is reached, everyone switches. The last set calorie target is 12 calories.

1. 15/12 Cal Ski + Kettlebell Swings (used 53lbs)
2. 15/12 Cal Bike + Dball Cleans (used 150lbs)
3. 15/12 Cal Row + Dumbbell Clean + Jerks (used 50lbs)

Check out Jean Glaude’s YouTube Channel for more workout videos.

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