Kettlebell WOD – 20 Minute Insane Workout

This is a full body kettlebell WOD mixed with some bodyweight exercises that will improve your strength and stability. The kettlebell workout will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. It’s pretty intense so we would categorize this as an advanced workout.

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Table of Contents

Kettlebell WOD


Warm Up

The buy-in for this workout is:

25 two-handed kettlebell swings
15 burpees


Block 1 AMRAP (5 minutes work, 1 minute rest)
• 25 2-Handed Swings
• 15 Burpees
*Remaining Time Hand-to-Hand Swings

Block 2 AMRAP (5 minutes work, 1 minute rest)
• 25 2-Handed Swings
• 15 Burpees
*Remaining Time Hand-to-Hand Clean & Squat

Block 3 AMRAP (5 minutes work, 1 minute rest)
• 25 2-Handed Swings
• 15 Burpees
*Remaining Time Hand-to-Hand Snatches

Block 4 AMRAP (5 minutes work, 1 minute rest)
• 25 2-Handed Swings
• 15 Burpees
*Remaining Time Hand-to-Hand Thrusters

If you’re interested in more kettlebell WODs, visit the Precision Kettlebells YouTube channel.

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