Powerful 6 Gym Equipment Back WOD

In this back WOD, Obi Vincent demonstrates a back workout for those that don’t workout at a convention gym or who workout at home. It will use only 6 pieces of gym equipment (barbell, dumbbell, rings, resistance bands, dip belt, and incline bench).

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Table of Contents

Back WOD


Resistance Bands
Pull Up Rings or Bar
Dip belt or weighted backpack
Incline Bench

Warm Up

Lat Stretches (w/resistance band)
Kneeling band pull down x 20


Workout #1
Pull ups (ring or bar) x 5 sets
Sets 1 & 2 aim for about 12 reps, 2 second tempo/ 1 second at top
Set 3 aim for about 10 reps, 3 second temp / 1 second at top
Sets 4 & 5 aim for about 8-10 reps, use a dip belt or weighted backpack

Workout #2
A: Barbell underhand Grip Rows
3 sets x 12 reps @ 2 sec eccentric tempo,
4th set a dropset of 3 at 12/ 8 / 8 reps or DB rows Negatives (Alt with DB if no Bar)

B: Super set with incline bench trap raise
4 sets x 10 reps @ 3sec eccentric tempo

Workout #3
A: Lying bench rows
3 sets x 12 reps @ 3 sec tempo

B: Superset with ring rows
3 sets x 12 reps @ 3-4 sec tempo (Alt with feet elevated)

Workout #4
Single arm DB rows
4sets @ 2 sec eccentric tempo 1 set – elbows close row
2nd – Elbows out row
3rd – close
4th- wide

For more workouts by Obi Vincent, visit his YouTube Channel.


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