Full Body WOD With Jason Khalipa

Today’s full body workout is brought to you by Jason Khalipa of NCFit. You can follow along with him in the video, which runs about 45 minutes long. Do your best to keep up with him, but pause if you need to rest. Want to go at your own pace without the video? Check out our guide below the video for a list of all the exercises in this workout.

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Table of Contents

Full Body WOD with Jason Khalipa


Jump Rope

Warm Up

Daily-5 Warmup
1 minute Jumping Jacks
EMOM x 4 minutes
12 Air Squats
Max Plank Hold


Saturday Squats

EMOM x 9 minutes
Min 1 – Slow DB Goblet Squats
Min 2 – Fast DB Goblet Squats
Min 3 – :45 Squat Hold

Full Body Workout

5 Sets For Max Reps
1:00 Air Squats
1:00 DB Wide Stance DB Russian Swing
1:00 Double Unders
1:00 DB “Double Squat” Thrusters
(1:00 Rest Between Sets)

Check out Jason Khalipa’s YouTube Channel for more great workouts.

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